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UN:DO came together in Surmonia*, a city often referred to as the dwelling place of the "fallen muses." 

Since 4018, they've been training and researching, biding their time until they were fully ready to take their technological world by storm. UN:DO's purpose is to make people notice them, to have all eyes on them, and to bring real music back into everyone’s lives.

While they're all different in personalities, they are able to come together under the love they have for the arts. 

Ʉ₦:ĐØ will be aggressive and in your face. They will do their best so that you can't live without them or without music. If you’re okay with struggling then join them in their journey to take over the web.

*Surmonia is a fictional city within this group's fictional world. It is a combination of the words Surge and Harmonia. The city is always alive and glowing, but the population is very small and the inhabitants are those who continue to try and pursue the arts in a world that no longer sees much need for it.

Bio: Bio
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